Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
To edit the the image (the "thumbs up") easiest way would be to replace (overwrite) the image "share_like.png" (in images/misc/) with one you do want to use.
If you have to do more specific editing the code is not in a template, I never intended it to be edited- but if you want to try you need to go to the Plugin on the "parse_templates" hook and find the line:
PHP Code:
$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_pos5'] .= '<div id="wgo_bopshare" class="wgo_subblock section"><h3 class="blocksubhead"><img src="'.$vbulletin->stylevars['imgdir_misc']['imagedir'].'/share_like.png" alt="Share" />'.$vbphrase['bop5_share_this_forum'].'</h3><div>'. $moreshare . '</div></div>';
Rawr, thanks, I somehow skipped this reply before >.<
But I think the way I try to insert the code is somehow wrong, because before there was this nice space on the lower part:
http://prntscr.com/7f8u9 but now there's none:
Here's how I've inserted the image:
PHP Code:
$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_pos5'] .= '<div id="wgo_bopshare" class="wgo_subblock section"><img src="images/misc/konata4.gif" alt="" style="float:left; margin: 3px 10px 3px 3px" /><h3 class="blocksubhead"><img src="'.$vbulletin->stylevars['imgdir_misc']['imagedir'].'/share_like.png" alt="Share" />'.$vbphrase['bop5_share_this_forum'].'</h3><div>'. $moreshare . '</div></div>';