Originally Posted by Trevor Matthews
Hi Paul
I have a bit of an odd problem.
I use 4.1.11 and the mod was working fine but today it isn't updating the last visited message, the unread posts part is working fine. I am using Firefox.
Any ideas what I have messed up??
Originally Posted by Paul M
Nope, no idea, but things dont just stop without a reason. Have you changed something ?
Another problem here.
It starts after update vB to last version (4.1.11).
Forums that marked NO for option "Index New Posts in Search Engine" in ACP are not showing when click on unread posts.
Before upgrade, everything works OK. So now, I have situation that link from this MOD show " You have 7 unread posts" but when you click on it, it show message that there is not any unread post. But yes, there are 7 unread posts in that forums with abowe selected options in ACP.
After I go to that forum and read posts, then link for this MOD finally shows "You have no unread posts".