We have about 3400 ip wild card strings in the settings ip bans. I was wondering if there has been any progress on an import facility.
One difficult issue seems to be recognizing contiguous ip bans that cannot be expressed in the vBulletin wild card format and making them into cidr addresses.
It is a bit of coding, but it looks like one could just take the values from the settings table and convert them to entries in the ipbans table.
I tried doing it with an Excel spreadsheet and decided it would be much easier to program it in php. However, it is more work than I would want to do if it is already being done by someone.
I found a much better bulk ip to cidr calculator than the one included in the product. It's notation is different from the vB notation also (of course). The calculator is located at
I really wish this product accepted the standard cidr notation and accepted bulk input.
All in all the ability to have exempt ip's is a critically needed benefit and I really like the product.