Can someone please help me with downloading this? I just got my website up. I have vBulletin Publishing Suite 4.1.11, and I really want to be able to have two forums, and multiple news sections, and multiple blogs on my website, as well as additional customized tabs, such as one for selling books or something.
One would be on one tab, and the other would be next to that tab (you know, where it says "Forum" on the top of the page).
Basically it would be "Forum 1" and "Forum 2", for example. And then there would be a "Blog 1" and a "Blog 2". And a "News 1" and "News 2".
Is this possible within vBulletin 4.1.11 Publishing Suite? I really want to have this for my website.
It appears that this is what this mod does, where we can choose what each tab says. But would I be able to have a second entire Forum section with this?
Also, can someone please tell me the most current download of this file, with the most improvements? I saw that it was revised many times throughout this series of posts.
Can someone go through with me, step by step on how to actually download this and implement it into my vBulletin? I really don't want to mess up any of my stuff so far because it took a lot of work and learning to get it to where it is now. And I apologize - I am a complete novice with this stuff.