well its only been 2 days. im not angry at all about that, its my responsibility to keep up to date with thats going on.
What im angry about is u providing a faulty product which has damaged my server. and even after that not providing a fix and asking me to PAY for it. for instance vbulletin ALWAYS provides security fixes if their product was faulty to begin with.
This is the most absolute basic expectation and i cant believe ure going to make me pay an addiitonal $44.95 instead of providing the fix for the security flaw, after it caused my server to be hacked.
Vbulletin - products will still be eligible for patches for known Security Vulnerabilities until it is determined that there is insufficient usage
Anyway we just compared the lite version 6.0.3 and 6.0.4 to find the difference and we had already addressed it, it was a simple fix which is why this is so remarkable because it is pretty irresponsible to have such a security flaw (AND A SIMPLE ONE) only be fixed for the present version... you should at least give instructions for what is broken for everyone else