Now that the major part of the application is in place, there is no reason why you couldn't add additional functionality such as caching member information too.
It would only take minor changes to add this functionality.... which would probably be best under a folder of it's own (../archive/members/) and then a file for each members details named u_userid, so as an admin you'd likely be u_1.htm.
A seperate button on the cache cannon page would fire caching of members... or it could be tied to the end of the posts firing mechanism.
Indexing would be done at the same time as the rest of the indexing.
Yeah, that all makes sense
I'm not going to start such additions though, not until what is currently there is finished to a higher spec. I'm not one of those developers who never quite finish something before moving on. My work is used widely because I do finish it properly, and I hope that is true of this too.
Remaining on Version 1 is merely the ability to create a single stylesheet *.css file and place a reference to that in each of the created files. This stylesheet I want based upon the default style for the forum... so please, anyone who knows the best way to get hold of this from within a hack... let me know
Once it's created, a change to the amount of data in the posts file (add more, such as user details for who posted), and applying the stylesheets that would've been created.
After that I'll launch version 1.
Again, plan is:
Version 1 = Splurge posts, index them.
Version 2 = File management, flush archive, etc.
Version 3 = Additional templates for prettiness, additional functionality.
That's just the order in which I feel functionality will be desired.
Each version will be a finished hack implementable safely.
David K