I know why you get database errors....
Lets say a new member (or hacker) tries to register...
- The register vB PHP script opens the database (with a (say) a 30 second time out (wait_timeout=30) set in MySQL my.cnf)
- The SFS plugin then goes off to check the credentials against the remote SFS service (3 times) using curl in my case
- SFS is either very slow or offline
- SFS plugin times out, then then retries using another method (silly really)
- The retry also times out
- The total SFS time out is > 30 seconds
- The plugin tries to update the database, which has 'disappeared' due to its own 30 second time out, and vB traps it as a DB error
So I've fixed the problem by ...
a) when using cURL not failing back to file access
b) changed the cURL time out to 8 seconds
c) changed to cURL time out from string to integer (time outs were not working at all)
d) also... changed split to explode for PHP 5.3 compatibility
Replace the functions_vbsfs.php file with the one attached here.
Enjoy! (permission given for the code to be added to the main product)