Just started testing this mod and it looks great so far, very nice job. I have a few feature requests though if possible.
1. Ability to Limit amount of teams and/or players per ladder
2. Ability for vacation time limit per ladder. (For example when setting up, the ladder admin would have the ability to activate "allow team/player vacation time" and enter in a number for maximum days) on the team admin side they would have the ability to activate the vacation switch (if they have any time remaining from the set max days) and during that time the team would be safe from challenges or deactivated up to the max days, if the team only uses a partial of the max days it would be subtracted from their overall total which was set as max vacation days when the ladder was configured.
3. Map List choices with drop downs for Ladder.
4. Ability for challenger to choose more than one date and time for possible ladder match then defender accepts from those dates.
What I would love to see is combining 3 and 4. The challenger picks 2 to 3 dates and times for the match, the defender accepts 1 date out of those and selects 2 to 3 map choices and then the challenger accepts 1 map out of those for the match.
5 Ability to upload demo's or screenshots after ladder match completion , I see the screenshot field but not sure how to use it.