My IT guy upgraded our forum to 4.1.11 recently and he is so overwhelmed with various problems I thought I might try and fix the emoticon issue myself, as I uploaded many custom emoticons years ago.
The custom emoticons I uploaded years ago are still there, but the issue is that the new standard emoticons look more appropriate for a Smurf or My Little Pony whimpy it's amazing. So, how to simply get the 3.XX VB standard emoticons back ?
I understand going to the "smilie manager" in CP and deleting the new ones I don't like and uploading new ones from somewhere...but where to get the new ones without fear of picking up a virus in the process ?
To be precise, what needs to be replaced are-
smile, big grin, wink, confused, eek, frown, embarrassment and cool.
I don't want anything fancy, like 3D or animated...just the original VB emoticons would be fine. In fact I see them right here on this forum ! How can I upload these to smilie manager ?

Would it be as simple as right clicking on each one and "save image as" to create a new file for each one for Smilie manager to utilize ?
--------------- Added [DATE]1332289618[/DATE] at [TIME]1332289618[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Trimos
Would it be as simple as right clicking on each one and "save image as" to create a new file for each one for Smilie manager to utilize ?
Uh boy... I just now tried that when I try and upload one to Smilie manager I get an error "invalid file path specfied"
I notice the VB subtitle under file path says-
"This file path should be readable AND writeable by your web server (usually chmod 0777)"
Now we are getting into something I have no clue about... chmod 07777 ??