man, so disappointing waiting so long. I'm with Ramsesx. Something simple that works would be great.
Teds is right on but lacks the ability to add new products via the Vbulletin 4 Editor. I can't understand that at all. The XML import is great for those who actually get company data via XML feeds for products but in my line of business, no manufacturer lists their product in a XML, so I have to copy paste product info one by one and the editor makes this much simplier. With Teds system, you have to grab all the HTML and screw around with that.
If I use the vbulletin Editor, I can copy past hundreds in a day, no problem ( images and tables etc, just like the product website displays !) . Awesome this way!
BUT WITH With Teds, I have to input all the html code via the CP which totally sucks. Its so slow and useless. Its focused on their agenda which is part of their business. I'm interested in boutique products and reviews. Not importing thousands of amazon type reviews in hundreds of categories. Way overkill.
Again, Teds XML import is great in their eyes , wonderful for importing thousands of products ( ONLY AVAILABLE in XML) but useless for simple solutions and the boutique product reviews.
If someone improved Teds, allowing the added ability to CREATE PRODUCTS with a vb style editor via the CPadmin or via the forums, Teds would be perfect for thousands of vbulletin websites!
Something simple, more personal that works. I would gladly pay for that.