Originally Posted by TalkVirginia
Or the member becomes inactive and you send out 20 reminders, the member doesn't come back and is removed after the 20 reminder? I'll have to think about that one.  Thanks for the idea! I'll add that to my to-do list and see if anyone else is interested in that.
I'd like to make sure that the current features are not giving anyone any additional issues first. Also I still need to add bouced email detection which I'm currently working on.
Any updates regarding this deletion capability? I'd equally be interested in an add-on that simply moves inactive users to a separate usergroup and when/if they ever return, they are reinstated with full privileges again, possibly via mod intervention...
Eh disregard. I just now scrolled up and noticed Jim's post. I guess I oughta read all the way to the end before posting, but this thread has 39 pages and I just got tired after page 22....