I have a few questions, probably mostly user errors.
1. I can't seem to find out how to add the icon for the file type. They are setup correctly in the Attachments area in ACP. But when uploading to the Download module, the (in this case XML) file type does not appear, even though I have content type matching what I have in Attachments.
Edit: I found that this broken image was pointing to +/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif which didn't exist, so I just put an image in the directory under that name <shrug>
2. I can't seem to get rid of that "no image" image. We are using this upload initially for text and xml templates so there is no image as part of the file. My one idea is just replace your standard no image, image with one of our own. but, when listing files, or under the section "More from this user" then we get the same image displayed, looks kinda unprofessional, to have all the same images displayed.
EDIT: Found the image, noimage.png, and just replaced it that looks more friendly. Thanks