Where do I go to get these questions asked in simple form?
Hi, (It should read: Where do I go to get these questions answered in simple form?
Just needing these simple questions answered and some simple instructions on how to do them but have no idea where to look?
Can somebody please help?
Detailed instructions on how to create usergroups?
How to make the admin and moderator forums invisible to the basic registered users?
Create a 1000+ post forum invisible to other users until they reach 1000 posts?
How to make forum public. Ie. People need to sign in to post but everyone can view posts from the world wide web?
Lock the articles and Blog sections?
How to add our own custom banner?
I know these are probably simple things to do and once they are done once will be easy as, but my trouble is actually finding the instructions in a simple step by step form. If you could either answer these questions or point me to where I can find them I would be most appreciative.