There's little point Webmasta XT.
I tried to bring the hack forward somewhat to fit my own needs... and discovered in the process that Messenger 4.6 (the now default that all others will prompt upgrade to) doesn't show usernames.
This is something that Miscrosoft have hard coded into Messenger, only Microsoft domains are 'trusted' alongside 'localhost'... what this means is that you can get it working locally, and see it working on Hotmail... but you cannot use it elsewhere.
If you did not see the virus (ok, it was harmless... but M$ didn't like it) on Messenger recently... it seems that this put such a shock through the M$ system for this release to come out.
4.6 is nothing but a point release security patch addressing this issue.
Unless you can guarantee your users are on a previous version (you can't) there is no more point furthering this hack as it is. M$ simply don't want you to be able to do this, and they have very successfully stopped everyone from doing it.
Oh well, such a shame... I had such a lovely Javascript version working too.
David K