Originally Posted by meissenation
but again my main frustration is that vB.org staff found the flaw and I know they have competent coders on their team that could fix it in a handful of minutes if they wanted to.
You can be frustrated at us all you want. But just remember, most of us have other jobs and this is just a volunteer run site. Besides that, we cannot post a fix for the modification either. The only person who may post a fix is the one who released it or the person who they give permission to take over the modification. We have not even looked through the code to see how many areas need to be fixed. We found one place, and someone let us know of another, but we have not gone through the code to find out if it is only in those two places or in several places. It isn't our job to do that. It is our job to quarantine it if one security issue is found and then to let the coder go through their code a bit more carefully before releasing it again.
Has anyone in this thread contacted the developer to ask to take over the modification and fix it?