If he can't or won't be contacted: yes. You can pay a coder to fix your installation, bu you can't publish it here. You could post the changes necessary in the thread, though, I guess. Or offer diff-patches. You also can contact the coder of the vB3-Version to get his o.k. to start from there to make a fresh adaption to vB4. You also could be patient. The addon has been quarantined for two weeks now. Please realize that people have lives beside offering addons for free at vb.org. The coder may be temporarily unavailable for a variety of reasons.
Addons on vb.org come for free, and they come without any guarantee whatsoever, especially not with a guarantee that fixes for issues will be provided in short time (or at all). The coder owes you nothing, and much less do the admins or mods of vb.org. You surely were aware of that fact when you downloaded and installed the addon, were you not?