^ Thanks.
I also have a question regarding WebQueries:
Inside of:
Query Result Row
Use $WQfield[fieldname] variables to replace returned fields in your HTML code
Is there a way to use conditional statements?
I have a webtemplate set up as basically a global "New thread" page - which grabs a list of forumid's / titles and outputs a list of every forum, with every forum name linking to it's respective newthread.php link.
What I want to do now is be able to show which forums are empty, but can't figure out how to use a conditional statement to do so...
I've tried
<if condition=" $WQfield[lastpostid] == 0">code here</if>
.. but noticed that it doesn't matter what I put inside of condition="" - whatever is inside still ends up being displayed.
Is this just not builtinto the functionality of WebTemplates or am I doing something wrong? thanks