Wow, I definately agree that this could be a VERY powerful hack! I can see it now, users having their own little contests to see who can come up with the best template, with other users casting votes, etc. etc.
I do agree, however, that major limitations need to be placed on this. If you limited this to just colors, fonts, etc.... I would definately be more interested in implimenting it.
I think this is one that would be worth investing the time in to develop further (heh, easy for me to say, considering it's not my time).
just my 2cents.
Heh, after I posted this, I went to open up winamp to play some mp3s, and I realized, hell, I'm using a custom winamp skin that I downloaded! Same goes with windows media player, etc. There certainly are a lot of examples out there of how being able to create third-party skins can help the popularity of a product (and let's not ever forget folks, your website is a product)!