Originally Posted by alaska_av8r
Just purchased the program with the cms integration, all is working well but I cannot seem to figure out how to get it to display as a forum block. I currently have it at the top of the forum but would rather it be in a block off to the side. Am I missing a setting?
I went to the forum blocks manager and set its display order, I selected edit and it is active but I noticed the content area is blank, so obviously I need to add some code??? Just don't know what to add.
vb.org is not the place to ask questions about the paid product.
Anyways CMS integration means what it means and doesn't relate to the forum block.
Having the chatbox as a forum block is not yet implemented.
Originally Posted by oldlock
IE9 warns users about mixed secure and insecure content. The warnings cease when the chatbox mod is disabled.
Yes, the forum url has the https in it so I'm puzzled. This warning did not present before the last two updates.
Oh wait I guess I know, check in advanced options if you have load dojo from google server to no.
Originally Posted by Kane@airrifle
Hi Cl?ment, I think I have narrowed down my chatbox format issue to the "/pm command: Activate the private chats in tabs" feature, if I enable it formatting goes off the rails as shown in the screencaps in my previous post. Not sure why but for now I will keep it disabled.
You must have something that mess with chatbox code, some non closed template or kinda.
Is that a default vb style or modified ?
Originally Posted by Kane@airrifle
The blank chatbox "loading" issue appears to be related to channels, enabling a second or third channel results in the loading issue, with just the default channel it goes away. It should be noted though that with more than one channel a simple chatbox refresh will bring back the content.
Hum, I didn't try to check with multiple channels on my vB3 install, I'll give it a try.