Originally Posted by clutchthese
I'd also make a favicon.  Looks a lot better now than when we first started this review.
Thanks! I've been putting a lot of time and effort into the redesign. I know there is a long ways to go, but I think its all starting to come together. Items I know I need to fix still:
- Contrast in navbar
- Newslider is still not working correctly and also shows up on article pages instead of just home
- Icons in forums need to be site specific and branded (same goes for Directory)
- Facebook link needs to go to Facebook page (having trouble signing up for Facebook)
- "Sign Up" button turns weird color when hovering / "Log in" button to match sign in
- Forgot Password/Remember Me in single line in all browsers
- Favicon
- Make Header/Navbar section 100% of the page with the content within the 1200px body (if anyone knows how to implement this, please let me know. I can get it to 100% but then the logo and everything is outside the body width.)
Any others than anyone can think of would help greatly! Thanks again for the help along the way.
Correction, Facebook is now working.