<a href="http://www.theriseoftsm.com/forums/index.php" target="_blank">http://www.theriseoftsm.com/forums/index.php</a>
Updated my shoutbox to 3.2.3 today and then ran the the update of vB to 4.1.11.
Now click my link and look at the shoutbox.
It has the New Posts Private Messages FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links right below the smilies.
I tried reinstalling the shoutbox and I got this error - An error occurred while processing the bitfield files, the following information was returned: Bitfield Collision: credits_cantearn = allowvideos
This error now also shows up under AdminCP -> MGC Chatbox Evo -> Chats formatting -> Choice of the formatting options which can be selected in the user control panel
EDIT: Found out it was a conflict in my custom skin.