Hi kh99, thanks again for repsonding.
I'm still nocking my head against the wall with this one. I've found:
// show product display
$templater = vB_Template::create('prodforums_product_details');
$templater->register('product', $product);
$templater->register('prodforums_stars', $prodforums_stars);
$template_hook['showthread_above_posts'] .= $templater->render();
The code is in the product's .xml file.
I've been trying many different ways to get it to work in the plug in without success, could you let me know the correct syntax that should appear in the plugin in order to get this variable to appear?
Here's my last attempt:
$keyword = $product['product'];
phpBayAPI($keyword, "5", "", "", "", false);
echo "The value of the vb variable = " . $keyword . "<br />\r\n";
$php_include = ob_get_contents();
vB_Template::preRegister('prodforums_product_details',array('php_include' => $php_include));
There's an $keyword/echo included just to check to see if the variable is appearing.
When the $product['product'] variable is replaced with a sample keyword the whole thing works perfectly.
Hope this makes some sense!
Many thanks, Dave