Originally Posted by almannai
Check your email
Have you created any block?
Nope havent created any block i followed steps till here
1. Download plugin. If you are using vb4.1.11 or above download the "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml" and upload "cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml" to /includes/xml directory.
2. Login to your vBulletin admincp.
3. Open "Plugins & Products", and go to "Manage Products".
4. Click on "[Add/Import Product]".
5. Import the XML file that you download. Make sure you set "allow
overwrite" to "yes".
Optional steps for setting different blocks for different forums and pages:
6. Go to mod options
Admincp->Settings->options->EveryWhere Sidebar (ESB) options
7. Go down until you see "Block Configuration Switch" check "yes" and save.
8. Go to you forum home you will see all your blocks even the empty ones with blockid below each blcok as in this picture.