Originally Posted by cpanel10x
How to fix bot with extra options.
Example :
Database :
- Ask : so hot
- Answer : Why hot ?
When type : This topic so hot
- Bot answer too : Why hot ? (But not needed insert This topic so hot again)
The bot is fairly simple, it triggers on strings or words (in that case word).
Hence there is no real work around.
I'll be implementing a smart bot but no right now.
Originally Posted by jrap
I'm getting a 500 error, and have narrowed it down to this section of code:
// The user can't view the chatbox or full mode is not yet enabled ?
if (!$MGCCbEvoCore->evo_permissions->can_view() || !$vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_evo_fullmode_active'])
I tried an uninstall / re-install, but the problem persists. Any ideas?
I don't see a problem in this bit of code, what's your php version ?
And what is the error you get in your php logs ?