Originally Posted by cellarius
Thanks for your reports; I have corrected the two code bugs you reported. Regarding the server error, however, I have never witnessed this myself or had any reports on it. I really don't have an idea either what could cause this or what I could to to try to reproduce it...
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, I've been meaning to find the time to write this up for the past several weeks and you know how that goes once you start putting something off!
Anyhow, a few days after my original post I was able to find some time to continue debugging the
photo_popup.php code and was able to determine that the cause of our
"500 Internal Server Error" was caused by --
and please forgive me for my bluntness --
very inappropriate use of Cookies to spare a simple SQL Query. Basically,
photo_popup.php was attempting to define a nearly
12KB cookie (approx 100 albums or 4KB unserialized), which grossly exceeds the standard HTTP Header buffer in Apache (8KB) and is a major violation of both the
Cookie Specifications as well as the spirit of what cookies were intended for.
Per the
Cookie Specifications (RFC2965) a site is only guaranteed support for a maximum of 20 cookies. The absolute maximum size for any cookie is 4KB (including data, expiration, and cookie name). Most importantly the absolute maximum storage available for ALL cookies for a given site is 4KB (i.e. one could do a single cookie of 4KB or 20 cookies of 204 bytes, or some combination that remains within these limits). As you are no doubt aware, vBulletin and its various Addons define a number of cookies, the exact number of which will vary from site to site, so in designing Addon components we must play nice and be respectful of the other cookies. Just as importantly from a design standpoint should be the recognition that
ALL COOKIES must be transmitted by the browser to the web server with EACH and every request (even in Keep-Alive sessions). Given that the act of retrieving
a single vBulletin page can easily entail many dozens of hits (HTML, CSS, images, buttons, etc), that quickly adds up to a lot of wasted bandwidth if we push our cookies to anywhere near 4KB (50 hits multiplied by 4KB is 200KB of bandwidth consumed just in cookies alone!).
This is why cookies were never meant to exceed a few dozen to a couple hundred bytes at the absolute maximum.
Add to this issue that Web Servers have absolute maximums set on their HTTP Header buffers (8KB in Apache and 16KB in IIS), more than adequate for acceptable headers, we must be all the more respectful of the Cookie Specifications. Web Browsers also have their own limits (and only promise to abide by the Cookie Specifications) and have
very undefined behaviors once the total cookies exceeds 20 or the total bytes exceeds 4KB -- some browsers will stop sending cookies altogether, some will begin deleting cookies to free up space, and others still will only transmit the portion below 4KB whenever the threshold exceeds 20 cookies or 4KB!
Any how, the
simplest interim fix is to change
line 220 (in Cel_PP 4.1.004) from:
vbsetcookie('photo_popup_albums', $cache_cookie, FALSE);
vbsetcookie('photo_popup_albums', '', FALSE);
you can also
comment out line 218 since serializing
$cache_cookie becomes irrelevant if we are not sending the cookie (well, we are but we're clearing it). This interim fix will prevent the web server from choking on an out-of-spec cookie and allow otherwise normal and expected behavior on the site. It will also reduce wasted bandwidth since the cookie will no longer be retransmitted to the web server for each and every hit requested by the user's browser.
In fairness, if you are concerned with regard to the cost of the SQL Query (much of which I would expect to be Indexed any how) the more appropriate strategy would be to create your own caching table (e.g.
cellpp_cache) on the SQL server to store the aggregated information for the user(s). The cost of not only setting a large cookie (and possibly blowing up the web server) and the constant retransmission of such large cookies by the browser (to the server) on each and every request is, IMHO, far more costly than any SQL query the cookie may have been intended to spare the server.
For what it's worth, as a developer you are in good company in making this oversight. Before my retirement I spent quite a few years as a freelancer fixing web applications and by far one of the most common issues was developer failure to consider the upper and lower limits of their variable/storage types -- especially with regard to languages, such as C and SQL, where variables are rigidly typecast. Your issue with the out-of-spec cookie is very much the same sort of issue.
I really hope I have not been too harsh, but I feel strongly that if you make the changes I have suggested and keep storage limits in mind with future implementations you will have a much more superior product.
Lest I forget, our recent issues aside, we are very grateful for your work in developing Cel_PhotoPopup as our users very much appreciate the ease with which it allows them to insert photos from their albums.
If you have any questions or concerns with regard to any of my comments, please feel free to ask.
PS - I would also mention the missing
"My Photo" toolbar text in
plugin.js due to an unregistered variable, but I believe you mentioned already addressing that issue in an earlier post.