Hi all,
I am trying to migrate to ibProarcade and shortly after the upload, I start the converter.php and come across this error;
Welcome to the ibProArcade-Converter v1.0
This will convert your current v3arcade-Installation to ibProArcade v2.5.6+
By starting this Script you will lose all Games and Scores in your ibProArcade !
This will convert all your v3arcade-Games stored in Database to fit the ibProArcade-Database.
Before starting the Converter ensure that:
1) ibProArcade is uploaded and installed correctly (you can enter it and play default Games)
2) Your ibProArcade is switched off while this Converter is running
PROBLEM DETECTED ! Can't fine the v3arcade-Data in your Database !
Conversion aborted.
This is on the latest release of ibProArcade, can you hep at all?
If I uninstall ibPro and enable V3 there's no problem with the db as everyone's scores and ratings are there.
I hope you can assist, I'd be most grateful..
Thank you