I am encountering a problem with coordinating my link/text colors in my Blog, due to what I believe is a shortcoming on the VBulletin end of the StyleVar. I was hoping someone could provide me with a code modification that would make my link color different from my text color, which is something I was not able to do with the StyleVar. This is what I mean:
When I click on a blog article, as relayed by the red arrows, the
text on the left should be colored gold as it is (which is my preferred text color), but the text on the right are
links ... and as such they should be the aqua coloration I have chosen for the links--but they're not--they're the same color as my text. The problem here is this: the color to change the text is also the color to change the links (when it shouldn't be; they should be separately controlled). So I am merely "stuck" with this style limitation.
I was hoping someone might be able to help me with a code modification to where I can have the promotion links (and the link to my name) be aqua, like they should be, rather than have the coloration of these links be "attached" to the text coloration as things are now.
Thank you and I hope this was clear