Originally Posted by sportsfroma2
I know, but I figured there are those like myself who are non-coders and they like reading through the latest posts on the threads before updating their vbulletin just to make sure everything is still working right (just because SOMETIMES, things go wrong- not saying often, not saying with your specific mod)...
I know I like it when other users share feedback -both negative and positive- on how the various vbulletin upgrades effect their installed mods... figured I'd return the favor a bit.
Don't get me wrong, we appreciate it when people confirm a mod works in an upgrade. I just like to take the time and follow up to other users so they understand that rather than asking if a mod works for .0x minor change, they give it a shot -- 99% of the time it will and asking just slows down their own site [not to mention that most coders will answer without actually testing first on the assumption basis].