well, i've increased the limit to 256, updated to the latest version of php and disabled php-suhosin... i'm also using mod-security with the default configuration plus this additional code for ddos prevention.. thoughts?
SecRuleEngine On
SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecAuditLogType Serial
SecAuditLog logs/mod_security.log
# a folder where mod_security will store data variables
SecDataDir logs/mod_security-data
# ignore requests from localhost or some other IP
SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "^127\.0\.0\.1$" "phase:1,nolog,allow"
# for all non static urls count requests per second per ip
# (increase var requests by one, expires in 1 second)
SecRule REQUEST_BASENAME "!(\.avi$|\.bmp$|\.css$|\.doc$|\.flv$|\.gif$|\
# if there where more than 5 requests per second for this IP
# set var block to 1 (expires in 5 seconds) and increase var blocks by one (expires in an hour)
SecRule ip:requests "@eq 5" "phase:1,pass,nolog,setvar:ip.block=1,expirevar:ip.block=5,setvar:ip.blocks=+1,expirevar:ip.blocks=3600"
# if user was blocked more than 5 times (var blocks>5), log and return http 403
SecRule ip:blocks "@ge 5" "phase:1,deny,log,logdata:'req/sec: %{ip.requests}, blocks: %{ip.blocks}',status:403"
# if user is blocked (var block=1), log and return http 403
SecRule ip:block "@eq 1" "phase:1,deny,log,logdata:'req/sec: %{ip.requests}, blocks: %{ip.blocks}',status:403"
# 403 is some static page or message
ErrorDocument 403 "<center><h2>Go away..."