Well, since this mod doesn't seem to be supported at all I've uninstalled it.
To answer some of the questions for others that have uninstalled about the menu for this mod remaining in their admincp left menu these are the steps I followed:
- Go to: Admincp>PlugIns & Products>PlugIn Manager, and delete the plug in
- Go to your File Manager or whatever your hosts cPanel calls it (some folks MAY be able to do this step via ftp)
- Open the admincp directory. Delete the file 'evbs_sstabs.php'
- Open the includes directory, then the xml directory. Delete the file 'cpnav_evbs_sstab.xml'
This totally removed this mod from my vB. Hope this helps someone.
ETA: while this removed the plugin and the left side 'menu' for this mod, it did *not* remove it from admincp>settings>options menu. Once I figure out how to remove it from there I'll post the fix; or if anyone else knows how to do this I'd appreciate knowing