Originally Posted by Gripi
hi.. i saw in 2.3.3 version:
2.3.3: Fix: Copy selected forum ID's during banner duplication. Changed: start and end hours for new banners are set to 0:00 and 23:59 respectively. Changed files: admin_rbs.php.
but.. in here, the time still go randomly, sometimes 15.00, sometimes 17.00.
and let say i already set the start date to 1 March 2012, the end date 2 March 2013, then i save it. then i open the banner configuration again, without changing anything in the configuration, i press the save button, then open it again, the start date become 2 March 2012, and the end date become 3 March 2013.
is this a bugs?
Originally Posted by viper357
I have the same issue, whenever I save a new or old banner, it forwards the time by 8 hours, so if I set the banner to expire on 1 March at 1pm, when I click save it will change the time 8 hours ahead to 9pm, if I click save again it will go forward another 8 hours and change the expiry date to 2 March 5am.
These are issues with the server time differing with the database time. Normally, your server and database must match the same time zone and of course be synchronized in order to match the saving. There is not much I can do. All I suggest is to keep your servers going with UTC and in-sync for at least once a week. On crontab you would typically use:
0 5 * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate xx.pool.ntp.org>/dev/null 2>&1
xx is the country code. Please see ntp.org for valid pools. Also note that if your server time has gone wild, it may need first a manual setup, since NTP will not adjust differences larger than 59 minutes 59 seconds.
If you issue a "SHOW NOW()" query, you may find out if the database is in-sync. On the server side, you would issue a date command with your root account. On Windows servers, this may be a bit tricky, because your webserver account should sync with UTC+0, but normally isn't.
In any case there are other possible issues with it and I really don't want to come down to this level.