Hi this is what I would like to do to my board and I am willing to pay!
1 - Payment page, free trial or paid usage.
- perl/php script will need to be written to deposit user info into database
- will need to add field to the database for user type, in order to distinguish between paid users, trial users and admin and Perl interface to pull info from database to site
- WorldPay or Cheque will need to be added to the payment page if not already defined
- a perl script to email the users after their credit card has been verified for paid user with user name and password info
- a Perl script to run a SQL query to run for trial users that searches the database for previous trial use. if they have not used the system before, email the user name and password to user, if they have roll page to next sign up page stating their free trial is up, please pay for service.
- add an admin page to update prices for users/groups/surcharges so it will not have t! o be hand coded everytime there is an update
2 - VBulletin admin to check database for valid user name.
3 - Write script to email user name and password if they have forgotten this info.
- there is already a portion of this created by the vbulletin board, would add to the verification process that if the account is expired that it sends an email stating the account is expired, if you would like to make a purchase click here
4- Database fields to be created
- add expiration dates
- add field for paid users
- add field for paid groups
- add field for trial users
- add field for admin users with unlimited access
- add user type and other fields as necessary
- add index fields for each user type to reduce search time
- add field for pricing for each user type (make adminable)
- add field for discounts (make adminable)
- add field for worldp! ay surcharge
- add field for repeat monthly charges to be automatically debited by world pay
5. Automatic email to send to customers 30 days prior to their expiration date so they may make another purchase.
- This will need a nightly chron job run to test for expiration dates, drop email addresses into a flat file and run a Perl script to email all addresses in the flat file asking them to renew their purchase.
6. Automatic emails to trial customers
4 or 5 days prior to expiration date so they may make a purchase.
- This will be part of the nightly chron job that is running tests for expiration dates, however it will have an piece of code added to run on trial customers only.
- Perl script to email addresses in a flat file asking them to make a purchase.
8. Pop up for users who's user name has already expired.
- Perl script to run a SQL querey to check for expired passwords
- when an ! expired user tries to login it should roll to a page stating their account is expired, if you would like to make a purchase this will be written as a validation in Perl.
9. Single login for individual users, which means that a person can only log into one session at a time, even on their own computer.
- This is a simple verification process. login code modifed to query database to see if user/password combination is already logged in.
This implies modification of code to 'logout' users when a certain amount of time has expired if they don't explicitly logoff the system.
10. Multiple user access for group access.
- This will need to be added to the database and have a perl script check the database for single or multiple user status.