Originally Posted by Adrian Schneider
I still use and recommend 3.8.x.
- Stable
- Less code, higher quality code-base, and simpler to build mods for
- Easier to skin (new stylevar system is a joke, IMO)
- Better interface (subjective, of course)
- I've already developed several years of mods for it that I use
It's obviously dated, but it doesn't take much work to make it look modern. We have a collection of plugins that we use to turn off several unused features, and make some areas simpler.
I won't upgrade for a long time. Perhaps 5.x, but I have no confidence in the team behind it.
^^^ This.
Plus, there is NO COMPELLING reason to "upgrade" to v4. It's not demonstrably better, it's not any better looking, it's not at all innovative, there's nothing to recommend it, IMO.
To answer the OP: Apples to oranges - there are I am sure, tens of thousands, at least, more v3 boards out there than there are v4 boards out there.