Gloseto I just did this on my website and what I did was use my forum rules that they agree to when they register as my terms of service as well.
It was tough figuring out how to view those rules again but this is the link that will do this and it is near the bottom of the forums as Forum Rules or something like that.
If you want to edit the rules, you have to go to:
ACP/languages and phrases/search in phrases/
then search for text: forum_rules_description (be sure and check the radio button so it will search Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name) then select FIND
It will bring up your forum rules, select Edit,
Click "copy default text" and it will place the default text in the edit box...edit the text to say what you want, then click SAVE.
Now go to ACP/Settings/Options/Site Name-URL-Contact Details/
Scroll almost to the bottom and you will see "terms of service url", enter the url listed above with your website name in it in that field and select SAVE.
Now at the bottom of your forum you will see a link for Terms of Service, you can also paste that link just like any other link for folks to access the rules/terms of service directly.