the product.php page seems to be giving an unusual amount of database errors. I get at least 10 a day with it disabled and and more when it is enabled.
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10:
Invalid SQL:
FROM rbs_banners
WHERE enabled=1
AND startdate<=1330360708
AND enddate>=1330360708
AND IF(forumhome, 0=0, IF(forumids='', 1, FIND_IN_SET('0', forumids)))
AND IF(maximpressions>0, impressions<maximpressions, 1)
AND IF(clicktrack, maxclicks=0 OR (maxclicks>0 AND clicks<maxclicks), 1);
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Monday, February 27th 2012 @ 10:38:28 AM
Error Date : Monday, February 27th 2012 @ 10:38:39 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
There are various error messages but they all stem from the product.php page