This is only the second time I have ever gone onto here to ask for help, both times you have not helped me Lynne but merely made the same similar comment.
Obviously you dont know the solution or you would have included it in your reply. You say this should be `in the modification/style thread` I have no idea what a ``modification/style thread`` is or if one exists. If it does I am surprised you didnt move it into there.
I have managed to solve it with the help of another site owner
I am so glad none of my admins ever treat my members as you treat members on these forums. I see I am not the only member you have treated like this. A Moderator and Admin`s job is to help and treat members with respect. Not to chastise and hinder them on their intent.
You must be very unhappy in your life to treat people like this, I feel sorry for you, because I am very fulfilled and very happy in my life.