Originally Posted by ryohnosuke
The mod works with vBseo, yeah, I mean the "like" notifications.
Could you plz do something with the deleted and merged posts? Actually is my only problem.
Ah! if I move a thread from public to private forum (i.g. admin forum) the "public" user still receiving notifications.
btw! have you tried the tapatalk compatibility with ultimate edition? If you post a message with tapatalk, gold edition does not register the notifications.
The reason why the person receives notifications from public to private is because they have a message inside that thread. If you delete their post they wont receive notifications. Some people might like receiving those notifications still if the thread is in private. What you can calso do is prevent posting in that private section or lock the thread once moved.
We haven't tested it with Tapatalk since its note quite mainstream and vbulletin has their own mobile feat. set.