I may need a little more information than that, but we'll try for now. In the file widget.php (found in [forum]/dbtech/vbslider/actions), on lines 450 and 460, find the following code snip...
PHP Code:
<a href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/content.php/' . $row[$i]['nodeid'] . '-' . $row[$i]['url'] . '">
Replace the content.php with portal. As I mentioned, we'll have to see, as it may need more changes, usually in the remainder of that code, for the order of the nodeid, dash, and url (123-this-is-your-article). If it is exactly how you show above(this-is-your-article-123), then make the overall code as follows:
PHP Code:
<a href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/portal/' . $row[$i]['url'] . '-' . $row[$i]['nodeid'] . '">
Remember that you must change it on both line 450 (title link) and 460 (read more link). Hope that helps.