Originally Posted by Vowgaming
Hi was wondering if I could get a hand on modding the code slightly.
My users Love the Mod but have raised a concern with activity showing up as negative points when a few things get changed or deleted
Was hopping for some pointers on what file or where I need to edit to modify this.
Found it in class_xperience.php
find this code
PHP Code:
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('xperience_calcdata_stats')) ? eval($hook) : false;
if (count($xperience_old) > 0 AND count($xperience_new) > 0)
foreach($xperience_old AS $fieldk => $fielde)
if (!in_array($fieldk, $fields_notallowed))
if ($xperience_new[$fieldk] > $fielde OR $xperience_new[$fieldk] < $fielde)
$difference = $xperience_new[$fieldk] - $fielde;
and add this line at the end
PHP Code:
if ($difference < "0") $difference ="0";
That way if some one receives experience less then 0 it will be recorded as 0
I hope this is correct please tell me if i need to change anything else