I'm sorry if I have missed it, but I wasnt able to find an answer to my question. What I want to do is have this player display on my board:
<div id='8D80E365D5E8'></div><script src='http://player.play.it/PodcastPlayer/Embed.js' type='text/javascript'></script><script type='text/javascript'>player.render('fileUrl=http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/nyc.podcast.play.it/media/d0/d0/d0/dZ/dV/dW/d0/ZVW0_3.MP3?authtok&name=Johan Santana - With Mike Francesa&artist=Mike Francesa&stationID=62&configFile=config.xml&button Color=grey&buttonOverColor=blue&backgroundColor=#F FFFFF&guid=8D80E365D5E8');</script>
If it does not display you can see it
here. Click on any of the interview titles on that page and the player will pop up with a few different audio players to play the interview.
link is to the same type of file hosted on a different site. Now, I have seen them both around the internet right in message board posts, but my site doesnt have any [mp3] type tags. How can I display the players?
EDIT: I know this forum has HTML off but I have it on and i can display video using embedding hmtl codes but this audio player will not display