Originally Posted by Jaynie
A few questions to Alfa1 :
1) I'm just confused as to what I am to visualize. Is the review system going to be presented on the cms or forums? Or is it customizable to our liking?
A review system can have a very large number of categories. vbulletin has a limit in the number of forums. If reviews are in forum threads, then categories are forums. This limits the number of review categories that you can have.
vbCMS is badly structured, poorly coded, SEO is extremely bad, infested with bugs and design flaws. While a CMS would be the optimal place for a reviews system, vbCMS is simply not suited for purpose.
Originally Posted by Jaynie
2) Has a coder been selected for the review system (pertaining to the functionality list by Alfa1)?
4 developers are currently working on their version of reviews software. Each of these coders has taken their unique approach, catering to different needs:
- Adrian (forummods) Adrian seems to be the only developer aiming for the full functionality list. And is adding more functions with each of his beta releases.
- Chris (ChrisTERiS) Chris is preparing a release of his reviews software.
- Ted S. TedS has released a basic & free product reviews addon, and is slowly expanding the functionality.
- 99SIVTEC (prosperent) 99SIVTEC is running the prosperent affiliate products network and is planning to add reviews functionality to enhance their product sales network.
While experience has shown that some projects fall through, there is already a lot of promise in the above projects.
I have requested quotes from a few developers some time ago, but received no or no viable response. With the above projects going forward, I think its fair to hold off hiring developers for now. If one of the above projects will provide the needed functionality and will properly support customers, then our goal is reached.
Originally Posted by Jaynie
3) I'm just curious why an author rating has to be separate from the overall input. Is there a reason why the author needs to have their own rating presented as opposed to being included in the public/overall rating?
This depends on how the reviews are setup. If you have official reviewers, then you will have an editor rating and site user ratings.
For example:
The editor has written a long review and his ratings reflect the review.
In this case a clear separation of editor/author rating and user ratings is wanted. The editors review holds more weight.
But you can also choose to just have a product listing with basic facts, and only add user reviews/ratings. Like IMDB for example:
In such case there is no need for an author rating.
If you want to automatically fill your listings with affiliate product data (amazon or abe books for example), then the first post, will be a listing, not a review.
If you want the first post to be a user review, then you would need to either only have user reviews, or have a combination of author and user reviews. I think the first option would make the most sense.
What do you think?