PLEASE HELP - QUESTIONS / Can anyone please help?
I own a web & print media business and am setting vbulletin up for a large school (a client)
Can someone please direct me to the best way to set this up:
4 Groups = Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D
a. each individual group needs a blog - where they can view/edit/post messages & new posts
b. each individual group needs a photo album - where they can view/edit/upload photos etc.
c. each individual group needs a calendar - where they can view/edit/post events etc.
d. each individual group needs a page to upload / download documents and other files
e. interact between other members in their group and their group only
- Except for administrator/s who will have access to every sections/all groups
I have set up 4 user groups but not sure how to add individual sections (Blog/Photo Album/Calendar/ Document page to EACH separate Group).
This may be done via permissions?
On the site there is a blog and forum which is OPEN for everyone to see once they log-in, but each group also needs to have their own sections.
Registration is by permission only (I have turned off registrations). But how do I change the front-page message where they log-in? Is this done via a template?
Also, please tell me how do I remove any messages that say "Vbulletin message" ?
Hope this makes sense and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards.