Hacked by voide.us ??
Not sure if they hacked my site or not, but all of a sudden my forums redirect over to their site.?
It still doesn't work because my forum folder isn't the same as theirs, but it still replaces the main url.
How do i fix or what steps do i take to fix this.?
Is my site now lost or.?
I found a folder in my server titled file:
Inside it is another folder called etc
Inside that there is another called passwd
Inside there, there is nothing that i can see.
If i delete that will my site go back to normal.?
I just dont know what i should be doing or trying first.
There is also a file called www,myurl,com_user.sql (with dots instead of commas)
Installed or last updated same date as file: folder.. part of it or something i just never noticed before.?
Thanks again
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So they just didn't hack it correctly, now that i have opened my index file in dream weaver i see what it is supposed to look like.
It is definitely voide.us * funny thing is they have vBulleting. lol
How does vBulletin honor their license still.!?
The image they leave (business card) clearly states they have F***ed your site up & on purpose, & that your security has issues.
Isn't there something in a vB license that says you cant use it for hacking other vB purposes.!?
If there isn't there should be, why cant vB take down their site for that.?
I'm still reletively calm, cuz im not convinced that my database is fried yet or not, but this just seems crazy that they can use vB to hack vB & vB cant do anything about it.!? (there are hundreds of sites that have been hacked by them)