Originally Posted by Mr_Running
When selecting
of the month
it works but when going back to the settings it defaults to
days from now
Yes, I did notice that too. Eg; When selecting 24th of the month it defaults to 24 days from now (after saving the settings). The countdown isn't affected unless you press the save button again after it defaults to that different option. I don't know why it does that yet but it annoys me enough that I'll look in to it further when time permits.
Originally Posted by Mr_Running
It Appears it may not take Daylight Saving Time into effect?
and what about a leap year? 2012
Daylight Saving Time:
I haven't tried counting down from standard time to a period within daylight savings time. Have you tried doing this and found the calculation not to be accurate?
Leap Years:
Calculations made, prior to Feb 29th of a leap year, that expire beyond Feb 29th should still be accurate.