Originally Posted by ForceHSS
because it was made for English if you want to translate it you can
Yes, I did it. I translated Mod thanks into Spanish lang (my native lang).
I'm really very interested to use this mod on my board, but I need to solve this problem. I guess, problem is not the lang.
It must be something of PHP script, or mod install code or something so, not exactly the lang.
When i choose English lang (testing in localhost before add any change to the server), everything works fine, but when I change the lang to Spanish, is then when I receive next issue:
PHP Code:
Warning: Invalid CRT parameters detected in [path]\includes\functions.php on line 4829
I edited PHP file functions.php to check this issue, but it seems to be a a non-directed issue caused by the mod.
Currently I'm checking all PHP mod thanks code to find the cause, and also the install XML code file.
I also tested changing the template (Default style and MW3 theme by MMORPG Games) and error issue is displayed in both cases, when I use Spanish lang.
When I use English lang, no error is displayed, so I believe the template is not the cause of the mistake.
Testing on Vb 4.1.10 version. I have only installed Spanish lang (from vbhispano - elmer), MW3 theme by MMORPG Games (downloaded from here) and this Thanks mod, nothing else.
Still trying to find the problem. Thanks in advance and sorry by my English.