I've had this installed for years without any problem. However, over the past few weeks it's made our forums unusable. Here are the symptoms.
- The Chatbox will get stuck on "Refreshing Messages" after a few seconds
- Only about half of messages posted in the Chatbox will actually go through
- The entire forum is noticeably slower when the Chatbox is enabled. Opening pages takes longer and many pages will just hang loading constantly.
I haven't changed anything on either our forums or server setup before it started playing up. I literally woke up one morning and it wasn't working properly. Since it's started having problems, I've reinstalled it twice. Both times it started working incredibly fast again for a few minutes but then it went back to crawling after a few messages. It was running on the default settings. I've even reinstalled the servers OS just to get it working again but with no luck. I've reinstalled Apache, MySQL, PHP and Xcache but nothing changes. At first I thought it was because the chatbox table was getting to big but reinstalling it proves that isn't the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? Our members heavily rely on the Chatbox and everyone feels a bit lost without it. I don't want to use an alternative as this one has been so good to us for so long.
I hope you can help me.