Hi all,
I currently run a vB forum version 3.8.1.
I read through vBulletin.com's "Facebook App" page and I am confused.
I want to do 2 things within my FORUM:
1. Have FB "LIKE" and/or "SHARE" buttons on my forum threads.
2. Be able to "Publish" content FROM FORUMS to the "WALLS" of people who have "LIKED" our Facebook Fan page
I am primarily only a FB user so I might not even understand what I am asking. An example of what I mean is: I liked the band page for "Green Day". From time to time, I get news from that FB Fan Site on my FB Wall. I want to be able to do that
My biggest question is, how do I go about adding Facebook? Is that the FB App, vB.com is selling? Or is that already part of vB4:Forum Classic?