Hopefully the thread will still exist. Im MX3D on there btw.
Synopsis: A guy claiming not to run vBulletin and being accused of running a pirate board is acting like a moron. He's deleting his posts, but I quote a few that he didnt.
Basically he says he WROTE his own forum software, and denies using vB at all, when if you look at the shots I took or looking at ,its obviously vB.
I love this one:
sorry, but vBulletin, by default, has those 5 smilies.
-referring to the fact that Hostrocket only has 5 smilies, none of which are the thumbsdown or mad/sad ones.
vB by default also comes with the sad smiley, the roll eyes smiley and the mad smiley.
^from another user who runs a legal vB, correcting him.
not my install, I only had those 5
^from the suspect. Sounds fishy doesnt it. I emailed and Chris seems to be on it. I *tried* to stay out of the thread, but I really couldnt help myself when he dared us to prove he was running vB.