We're trying to send it to our database of 3,00,000 members and its becoming a pain.
We have purchased another mail server and have used smtp details in the vbulletin options.
The batch processing stopped somewhere at 120th page when I was sending 500 users per batch. I had left the computer turned on so I saw this only after when I came back. Here is the screenshot
I again tried it with batch size as 50 mails per page and it stopped at page 50. I noticed your option of resuming mails from the page that last broked and restarted sending mails from page 60.
The mail processed page 60, 61, 62 and then restarted from page 1 - the beginning again.
Now I have already got 4 emails of the same email in my inbox and couple of members mails asking me to stop spamming them.
How can I send emails easily to my 3,00,000 members?
I love combull, I've used it in the past and wish to continue using it.