Originally Posted by Hippy
I luv bug fixes .. is there any thing other than to wrap that code you posted ?
did you test it again..
thansk for the post:up:
I was actually slightly mistaken about the second bug. It isn't a php error I'm getting but rather the intentional error of the plugin. Its just creating a simple blank page instead of using a vbulletin error page. It would be nice if this was fixed so that if the file doesn't exist it displays a standard vbulletin error message. The line that would need to be fixed is link 672, and there's another instance of that type of page at 667 if the filename is the empty string.
As for the first bug, I realized after giving it some thought that it isn't actually a bug, but rather how things are supposed to work to deal with the CSRF issue mentioned
Which leads me to a slightly modified request for improvement, in two parts. First improvement, can the act & and actionhash be converted from get to post type parameters for the page, this would at least eliminate the second problem of people linking to the download button's link. The second improvement would be to not include the download function in those requiring the session token, the reason being that if someone forced a download it would not have any adverse affect on the downloads table, the most it does is increment the number of downloads a user has and the number of times a particular file has been downloaded, especially if you have your extensions setup correctly. The upload and delete functions should of course absolutely require the action hash.
A third improvement request, could the report function be linked into the standard vbulletin reports so that threads are created in whatever forum was setup to post other reports to?